Adhesion to hand hygiene by nursing team in intensive care unit
Objective: To identify adherence to Hand Hygiene (HH) of the nursing professionals of an Intensive Care Unit for adults of a public university hospital.Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study with a quantitative approach, carried out with 68 professionals in a university hospital in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Data collection occurred from May to October of 2016 for 100 hours of direct observation. A form was developed for characterization of the participants and the Adapted Instrument of the Handbook for Observers - Multimodal Strategy of the World Health Organization for the Improvement of Hand Hygiene was developed. Data were submitted to descriptive analysis, in proportion measurements and Pearson's Chi-Square test, in SPSS Software version 18.0, to verify the association between adhesion and non-adhesion to HH in each of the five recommended moments and among professionals (nurse or technician of nursing), considering a level of significance of 5%.
Results: 12 (17.6%) were professional nurses and 56 (82.4%) were nursing technicians. The nursing staff received a general adhesion rate of 311 (47.8%). There was no adhesion to the moment "before performing aseptic procedures". The "after" moments presented higher accession rates.
Conclusion: The rate of adhesion to HH was very low, and hygiene practice before contact with the critical patient needs to be improved with greater urgency.
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