Evaluation of randomized clinical essays developed by nurses according to the consort declaration criteria
Objective: Evaluate if the Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) carried out by nurses in the last seven years fulfill the methodological rigor established by the CONSORT declaration criteria.Methods: Nursing journals literature integral review; sixty-six RCTs carried out by nurses and published in 11 indexed journals within recognized data bases were analyzed and where their title, key words or design allowed them to be recognized as a randomized clinical essay. A 48 item instrument was realized to evaluate the characteristics of the 66 published RCTs. Such instrument is divides in two segments: the first one evaluates general information in the articles, and the second one includes the CONSORT Declaration characteristics.
Results: The 57.6% of RCTs used an equivalent control group, 87.9% used randomized sampling, 28.8% blind, 54.5% presented flow chart, groups.
Conclusions: In general, the RCTs published by nursing in the last seven years do not fulfill the CONSORT Declaration criteria. These findings present an opportunity area so nursing journals publishers request from the authors the most attachment to the methodological rigor in their articles, according to the CONSORT Declaration criteria.
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