Forms of obstetric violence experienced by mothers who had normal birth
Objective: Identify forms of obstetric violence experienced by mothers who had normal birth.Methods: Descriptive study with a qualitative approach, developed with 35 puerperal women, in both public maternity hospitals existing in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, who gave birth by vaginal delivery with a live child, and physical and emotional conditions to answer the proposed questions. adolescents were excluded without legal guardian and mothers who gave birth outside the hospital.
Results: The reports of mothers portray forms of obstetric violence of which they were victims, characterized by words and attitudes of health professionals who attended them.
Conclusions: Under the new delivery care model and birth obstetric violence should have no space and health professionals should act to ensure decent service, with quality and respectful treatment. The time when the only option was silencing and enduring has ended.
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