Factors associated with level of pain in admission and high in victims of trauma
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Introduction: Different factors may be associated with the genesis and maintenance of pain symptoms in trauma. the underevaluation and undertreatment of acute pain in emergency units have called in an unqualified care, increasing morbidity and length of hospital stay. the objective of this investigation was to determine the factors associated with the level of pain on admission and at discharge in trauma.Methodology: Cross-sectional study with 92 trauma victims treated at an emergency unit in southern Brazil. the intensity and location of pain were assessed, respectively, through the numerical pain scale and body diagram. data were analyzed with the aid of non-parametric statistics.
Results: The results showed that were associated with more severe pain on admission or discharge characteristics like being male, younger age, non-white skin color, companion presence, burn-like lesions, presence of drug prescription, analgesic administration intravenously and longer than 30 minutes for pain relief with pharmacotherapy.
Conclusion: The imposition of protocols or algorithms of measurement and treatment of pain by health professionals in emergency units should consider these characteristics in order to provide a resolutive and quality care
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