Classes of antihypertensive drugs and their combination on public health system patients with systemic arterial hypertension
Supporting Agencies
- Universidade de São Paulo
The article analyzes the prescribed antihypertensive drugs classes and their quantity in daily use in the treatment of patients with systemic arterial pressure in the public health system and the combination between the amount of antihypertensive drugs prescribed and the control of arterial pressure levels in two Brazilian municipalities. This is a descriptive, quantitative approach study, carried out in 2014, with 757 people enrolled in unities of family health strategy at a municipality in Minas Gerais and another in São Paulo. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing, University of São Paulo, Process no.: 02313012.4.0000.5393. For data collection, validated instruments were used to characterize the sample and to map antihypertensive drugs used. It was found that drug treatment occurs in combination and daily use among people was of more than one drug, in the last week, in Minas Gerais: 201 (55.8%); in São Paulo: 253 (63.7%). Verifying the association among the amount of antihypertensive drugs used, statistical significance was not found. The present data support the conclusion that the antihypertensive prescriptions for the sample are consistent with the guidelines recommended by primary care documents issued by the Ministry of Health.Downloads
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