Epidemiologic profile of acquired syphilis diagnosed and notified at a maternal-child university hospital
Objective: To characterize the epidemiologic profile of users with acquired syphilis.
Method: This was an exploratory and descriptive study of quantitative approach, through secondary data collected in investigation forms/syphilis notification in women assisted in a Maternal-Child University Hospital in Santa Cruz-RN in 2012. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under report number 772.884.
Results: 67% of mothers reported they had only attended elementary school, 33% were single, 42% had undergone less than six prenatal consultations, 58% of them had performed previous treatment of syphilis, but only 25% of their partners had joined and performed it.
Conclusion: This study shows progress regarding diagnosis of syphilis during prenatal care, but it evidences the non-accomplishment of treatment by pregnant women before delivery, as well as by their partners. Therefore, innovative strategies are needed aiming at an early and proper treatment of pregnant women and their partners
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