Prevalence of Breastfeeding in Huelva, duration and related factors
Objective: To know the prevalence and duration of the breastfeeding, as well as the relation with the sociodemographic, obstetric and child and maternal education factors.Design: descriptive observational study. Site: seven health centers of Huelva city. Participants: 268 mothers of 1-2 y.o. children. The selection was made straight, in order of arrival. Main measurements: prevalence and duration of the breastfeeding, sociodemographic characteristics, perinatal characteristics and complementary feeding.
Results: The 52,9 % (CI:46,99-58,91) of the sample initiated the exclusive breastfeeding. Six months later remained the 19,7 % (CI:15,33-24,87). The 63,4% (CI:57,54-69,04) initiated the total breastfeeding, 47,7% (CI:41,82-53,75) continue with it 3 months later and the 26,1% (CI:21,12-31,63) 6 months later. The breastfeeding is related with: the academic education of the mother, the number of children, to attend the workshops childbirth preparation, number of sessions, level of satisfaction with maternal and child education, to have requested assistance on breastfeeding, to know the breastfeeding support group and to have atended to it.
Conclusions: The prevalence of the breastfeeding is less concerning than expected by the national data, the length of it is far from the recommendations of the WHO and the educational level of the mother, favors the prevalence and duration of breastfeeding. Health professionals must continue with their promotion and support.
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