Study of resilience in the elderly Paraíba Valley, Sao Paulo, Brazil


  • Claudia Lysia Araújo Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Brasil.
  • Ana Cristina Mancussi Faro Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Brasil.
Keywords: aging, resistance, women's health, Nursing, gerontology

Supporting Agencies

  • envejecimiento
  • resistencia
  • salud de la mujer
  • enfermería
  • gerontología.


Resilience is a term coming from physics that has been discussed in many areas prior to this paper. The aim of this study is to analyse resilience of elderly women taking part in the activities of the Centre for the Elderly. It is an exploratory, descriptive, cross-functional study with a quantitative approach. It is conducted on 117 women with an average age between 70-80 years. These women have different characteristics: they are widows, Catholics, retired, have 1-5 years of school education, with a family income based on 2-3 minimum wages, they exercise, they have a family made up of 1-2 members, they have a positive perception of physical and mental health care, take 1-2 types of medicines a day, suffer from 1-2 comorbidities, they report being sexually active1-4 times a month and have a high level of resilience.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Lysia Araújo, Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Brasil.

Programa de Doctorado en el Postgrado en Enfermería en Salud del Adulto de la Escuela de Enfermería de la USP, Profesor de la Facultad Integrada Teresa de Ávila - Lorena, São Paulo, Brasil. Grupo de Investigación en Rehabilitación, la funcionalidad y la educación sanitaria. Mezquita Oscar Calle, 161-Guaratingueta, SP-Brasil.

Ana Cristina Mancussi Faro, Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Brasil.

Profesor Titular de Departamento de Enfermería Médico-Quirúrgica de la Universidad de São Paulo Escuela de Enfermería. Advisor. Grupo de Investigación en Rehabilitación, la funcionalidad y la Educación para la Salud.
How to Cite
Araújo, C.L. and Faro, A.C.M. 2016. Study of resilience in the elderly Paraíba Valley, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Global Nursing. 15, 2 (Mar. 2016), 63–98. DOI: