Impact assessment of a plan of nursing care of patients diagnosed with COPD nurse "Ineffective management of therapeutic regimen," in terms of improving the nursing outcomes (NOC) "Knowledge of therapeutic regime"


  • Javier Iniesta Sánchez Área de Salud VII Murcia-Este
  • Eva Abad Corpa Universidad de Murcia.
  • Tania Royo Morales Área de Salud I Murcia.
  • Ángeles del Rosario Sáez Soto Área de Salud VII Murcia-Este
  • Juan José Rodríguez Mondéjar Área de Salud VII. Murcia-Este
  • Andrés Carrillo Alcaraz Área de Salud VI. Murcia
Keywords: nursing taxonomies, planning care, improve nursing outcomes

Supporting Agencies

  • FIS


Purpose: To determine the impact on the "Knowledge of the therapeutic regimen," in patients with a care plan on "ineffective management of therapeutic regimen."

Methods: Quasi-experimental study in two General Hospitals University (June 2007 - December 2008) COPD patients. Group intervention: care plan developed by taxonomies; Control group: usual hospital care.

Findings: 143 patients were Recruited (Intervention group = 56, control group = 87). NOC improvement at 2 weeks (69.2% vs 10.7% intervention control; p <.008); NOC improvement at 24 weeks (68.7% vs.10.1%; p <.001). Indicators "description regimen justification"; "Prescribed activity"; "Treatment benefit" better with p <.001.

Conclusions: The implementation of a discharged plan care direct to increase the nursing outcome classification  improves management of therapeutic regimen.

Implications for nursing practice: The implementation of taxonomies in care planning discharged are a tool that allow to evaluate outcomes of nursing interventions and its evolution.


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Author Biography

Javier Iniesta Sánchez, Área de Salud VII Murcia-Este

Supervisor de Área de Calidad e Investigación
How to Cite
Iniesta Sánchez, J. et al. 2016. Impact assessment of a plan of nursing care of patients diagnosed with COPD nurse "Ineffective management of therapeutic regimen," in terms of improving the nursing outcomes (NOC) "Knowledge of therapeutic regime". Global Nursing. 15, 1 (Jan. 2016), 39–48. DOI: