Factors associated to the increase in the use of nursing methodology in primary care


  • PR Brito Brito Enfermero consultor. Programa de Formación Continuada en Metodología enfermera
  • JM De Armas Felipe Director de Enfermería.
  • A Crespo-Gómez Subdirector de Enfermería
  • A Aguirre Jaime Asesor en Metodología de la investigación. Gerencia de Atención Primaria. Tenerife.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.10.4.137451
Keywords: Nursing methodology, standardised care languages, history of electronic health


Introduction: Indicators show a sustained increase in the use of nursing methodology (NM) in the Health Complex in Tenerife.
Aim: to identify the factors that may be associated with this growth.
Methods and materials: Retrospective analytical study. Area of study: patients with a computerised record of health. Subjects of the study numbered 609,688. Data analysis was performed from March 2005 to February 2010. Measurements: these were analysed monthly for each Basic Health Area (BHA) and measured the relative frequency of records with functional health patterns, (PFS), NANDA diagnoses, NOC objectives and NIC interventions. An NM global index was constructed from the mean value of the indicators and growth was calculated over the 60 months studied. Other variables measured included users of nursing consultations; quotas; patient load; non programmed consultations; consultations from other areas; home visits; presence of link nursing in the BHA; training and assessment in ME in the BHA; computer time. Data processing: variables were summarised as median (P5-P95) due to the non normal distribution. The correlation índex-ME growth and each variable was estimated using the Spearman non parametric linear correlation coefficient. Comparisons were made with the Mann-Whitney U test. All tests were significant at 5%.
Results: Findings show a greater percentage of health records with ME and greater monthly growth when computerisation in the area was longer; when the percentage of users of nursing consultancies was higher; when the number of home visits was higher; when patient load was greater; when quotas were smaller; when consultations from other areas were lower. There was a higher percentage of medical records with ME and greater monthly growth in BHAs with ME assessment programme and in areas with ECE.
Conclusions: Increased use of ME in the BHA in Tenerife is associated to each of the factors considered in different direction and size.


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How to Cite
Brito Brito, P. et al. 2011. Factors associated to the increase in the use of nursing methodology in primary care. Global Nursing. 10, 4 (Oct. 2011). DOI:https://doi.org/10.6018/eglobal.10.4.137451.