Tools for teaching nurses in clinical teaching with the focus on Nanda-Nic-Noc


  • Sara Huerta González Estudiante de Maestría en Ciencias de la Enfermería
  • Norma Elvira Moreno Pérez Maestra en Administración. Docente. División de Ciencias de la Salud e Ingenierías del Campus Celaya – Salvatierra. Universidad de Gto.
Keywords: Nursing process, NANDA, NIC, NOC, Taxonomies


The metgodological tool for the scientific practice of nursing is the Nursing Process, which enables critical thinking in solving problems. The use of this methodology has bestowed autonomy on the profession and its use is important in  clinical practice and teaching.

Aim: To develop skills in implanting, developing and assessing a nursing design with the focus on self-care using NANDA NIC NOC.

Methodology: The Self-Care Defecit Theory and the stages of the Nursing Process were analysed and two tools were constructed: 1) Diagnostic Reasoning, which includes valoration and diagnosis; 2) Care Plan: the planning, execution and assessment of the Nursing Process.

Results: The tools were applied to clinical practice in the areas of Mother-child, Older Adults and Community Nursing. Students and teachers participated after following a workshop course on General Theory of Self-Care, NANDA, NIC, NOC Taxonomies and structure and content of the tools, Clinical cases were presented in a final forum on clinical practicea.

Conclusions: The tools were considered to be resources that help in teaching the NP to students of nursing beginning to work in clinical practices.


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How to Cite
Huerta González, S. and Moreno Pérez, N.E. 2011. Tools for teaching nurses in clinical teaching with the focus on Nanda-Nic-Noc. Global Nursing. 10, 3 (Jun. 2011). DOI:
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