
  • Francisco Gutierrez Díez


In this paper we deal with a methodological procedure for the characterization of idiomatic expressions and comment on their translation (English-Spanish). We put forward the hypothesis that the linguistic form of such expressions can be described in terms of two types of features: those which are direct markers of idiomaticity, and those which, being syntactic or lexical in nature, and as such common to both idiomatic and non-idiomatic expressions, may play a role in the setting up of the typology of the former. Four types of idiomatic expressions are approached in this way to show that they consist of bundles of features. Pairs of bundles may overlap with one another with respect to some of the features, thus precluding a precise delimitation between different types of idiomatic units. The article ends with a comment on different types of institutionalised equivalente between English and Spanish regarding these expressions, as well as some suggestions for translating them when they lack an established equivalent in the target language.

Author Biography

Francisco Gutierrez Díez

Departamento de Filología Inglesa
Universidad de Murcia


