Thought and style: reality and fiction in Javier Marías’ work


Keywords: spanish literature, twentieth century, Javier Marías, Negra espalda del tiempo, reality and fiction


The numerous ways in which fiction intertwins with reality is one of the cardinals points in Javier Marías’ literary work. Precisely, the purpose of this paper is to study this face of Javier Marías’ work based on Todas las almas and Negra espalda del tiempo, especifically, since the making of the latter steamed from the reception of the former. Regarding that matter, the suspicion towards the nineteenth-century realism that appears in Negra espalda del tiempo will also be analyzed, while the connection with Juan Benet’s theory of the novel will also be addressed, therefore there will also appear a first outline of a theory of novel by Javier Marias, in which the notion of style linked to thought plays a central role.


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How to Cite
Snoey, C. (2024). Thought and style: reality and fiction in Javier Marías’ work. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 21, 239–254.