Autobiography and sexual dissidence in 'Princesa' by Fernanda Farias de Albuquerque


Keywords: gender studies, migration literature, LGTBQI+ studies


With the publication of Princesa (1994), a short autobiographical text by the brazilian author Fernanda Farias de Albuquerque, a new phase of Italian migration literature begins. For the first time, diaspora themes, related to the construction of social and cultural identity, are intertwined with the narrative of the definition of gender identity. Fernanda Farias from Albuquerque recounts her experience as a migrant and transsexual woman, emphasizing all those factors that have contributed to her sexual and gender self-determination. This article analyzes part of the author's private correspondence with her friend Giovanni Tamponi, in which she discusses the main stages of her relationship with her body and the construction of her sexual identity.


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How to Cite
Duraccio, C. (2024). Autobiography and sexual dissidence in ’Princesa’ by Fernanda Farias de Albuquerque. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 21, 1–10.