Roberto Bolaño and the partition of memory


Keywords: Roberto Bolaño, Memory, Partition, Fragment, Oblivion


The fragmentary partition of Roberto Bolaño's 2666 allows us to question the time of a resistance without consolation, for if there is no place for crime and no burial place, memory lacks content. In this register -following a passage from Cicero's De oratore about Simonides where it is clear that the mnemonic principle that allows him to recognize the shattered dead, crushed under the ruins, lies in linking places and names-, it is proposed that in 2666 Reiter appears as a sort of inventor of the art of forgetting. Reiter produces oblivion by changing objects of place or location. In this sense, what Reiter does is not only to subtract an object, but to subtract the place of dis-appearance. Both memory and forgetting, then, appear as faculties, as technical devices, mechanisms or operations where the production of an effect is at stake. By exposing the resources of disappearance -that every disappearance needs to erase the very place of disappearance- 2666 shows that me-mory does not imply the memorialization of something that lies within and that, clean, unharmed, unscathed, unscathed, simply awaits to be discovered or recovered. In Amu-leto or 2666, beyond any archontic principle, memory is inscribed as something that is irremissibly lost at the same time as it is the interruptive gleam of that which, like a flashing index, is suspended on the edge.


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How to Cite
Pavez, J. (2024). Roberto Bolaño and the partition of memory. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 21, 205–238.