The squared archive by Marta Aponte: how to friction tradition in "La muerte feliz de WCW" or when mother is the last frontier
The objective of this article is to analyze how the work with the archive of the Puerto Rican author Marta Aponte (1945) does in her book La muerte feliz de William Carlos Williams (Candaya, 2022). As well as how the poet does with his mother and, ultimately, the mother with her itinerant and transatlantic reality; Aponte underlies a permanent act of appropriating and disappropriating tradition, and it would mark a deviation in the way of understanding cultural synthesis. There wouldn`t be a melting pot, but rather a constant questioning of a continuously re-observed tradition. On the other hand, from a feminist perspective, the mother is seen as the last frontier of an archive and the necessity to be written is marked by a way of resistance against the colonizing discourse. Thus, the thesis of this work points to how the exercise of writing and re-writing the mother is a kind of to re-create an archipelagic identity that rubs against tradition.
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