Line and color. About the relationship between art and thought in Paul Klee.
In this work we seek to inquire the relationship between art and thought in Paul Klee. We think that this relationship is related to the question of an image of creation as genesis. To attend this genesis, we will consider the work of art as the fundamental experience to sense and to think about it. Its in this way that the relationship between line and color is the primary experience that demand us to attempt to ask about the relationship between art and thought in Klee. The risk of the thought-in-image of the swiss-german artist, by seeking for a genesis, is that compromises a cosmological moment. While we consider this, we will introduce an elective affinity between Klee and a philosophical-aesthetic tradition, that its roots are in Kant. This perhaps could help us to understand what is at question in the thought-in-image of Klee.
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