Contemplate the life: walks, excursions and travels of Carmen Laforet


  • Ana Rodríguez Fischer Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: Carmen Laforet, XXth Century Spanish Narrative, Travel literature


Taking as corpus of my work the articles published by Carme Laforet between 1948 and 1953 in the review Destino, untitled "Puntos de vista de una mujer”, and the cronicles about her journey to the United States in the fall of 1965, collected in the book Paralelo 35, I study an aspect almost unknown of the Spanis writer: her profile as Walker or voyeur in different cities, excursionist who seeks refuge in the Nature or traveller who visits the most relevant places of the USA. I analize how she projects her unprejudiced watch upon reality and life, taking as a guide only her curiosity or personal desires, and paying special attention to anything which stimulates her imagination and causes an impresión in mind and heart. I also analize the narrative aspects of these texts: scenes and descriptions, or small stories about an event, an experience, an unexpected encounter or sudden rememberings. We discover another Carmen Laforet: a woman who watches and hears contemporary life in its great variety.


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Laforet, Carmen (1967): Paralelo 35. Barcelona: Planeta.

Laforet, Carmen (2007): Carta a Don Juan. Cuentos completos. Prólogo de Carme Riera. Palencia: Menoscuarto.

Laforet, Carmen (2020): Puntos de vista de una mujer. Edición de Ana Cabello y Blanca Ripoll. Prólogo de Inés Martín Rodrigo. Barcelona: Destino.

Laforet, Carmen - Sender, Ramón J. (2003): Puedo contar contigo. Correspondencia. Edición de Israel Rolón Barrada. Barcelona: Destino.

How to Cite
Rodríguez Fischer, A. (2022). Contemplate the life: walks, excursions and travels of Carmen Laforet. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, (19).