Laudomia Forteguerri and the authors of the Women's Lawsuit
This paper analyzes the representation and iconization of Laudomia Forteguerri, one of the most famous women of the Renaissance in Siena, by Alessandro Piccolomini and other authors such as Agnolo Firenzuola and Giuseppe Betussi. All of them are distinguished for participating with their texts in the Querella delle donne defending the intellectual equality between the sexes and the necessity of education for women. Laudomia Forteguerri embodies for these three writers the Renaissance human ideal beyond her sex, and therefore, they insist both on her idealized and virginized feminine representation, member of a community of intellectual and chaste women, but who practice amicitia and lesbianism, and on her masculinized representation, as a virago woman who acts in public spheres reserved for men either through arms or through her writing.
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