Juan Benet: a poet in prose of silence and darkness
In this article I am going to discuss the importance of the concepts of silence and darkness in the literary works of Juan Benet. With them, this writer tries to invite us to explore what is beyond our agreed reason. He also wants to show us that what we call the irrational can be an unknown logic. According to him, this logic can be important in the future for our intellectual and social progress.
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Benet, Juan (1994): En la penumbra. Madrid: Santillana (Alfaguara).
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Machín Lucas, Jorge (2019): “Un palimpsesto indeseado en la obra literaria de Juan Benet: Julio Cortázar y sus minúsculas pedanterías”. Monteagudo, 24, 217-39.
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Machín Lucas, Jorge (2019): “Juan Benet y el pensamiento místico: más allá del fatalismo”. Lectura y signo, 14, 35-46.
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Valente, José Ángel (1999): Obra poética. II, Material memoria (1977-1992). Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
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