Modernist Murcia in the 19th-20th centuries. Authors of modernism and settlement of trovo or popular poetry improvised as scenic art


Keywords: Modernism, Rubén Darío, Ricardo Gil, José María Marín, Trovo


Since the period Known as Modernism officially began in 1880, in te Murcia region, the current was assumed with the same degree of rejection, although it is true that authors such as Ricardo Gil, hinted at the Parisian influence of wich Rubén Darío will show off as the undisputed world literary figure. The truth is that, in this turbulent turn of the century, and due to foreign capital, the territory of the Spanish southeast emerges in the primary sector of mining, and it is in this minig context, where architectural modernism hatches, but also, around the so-called Café Cantante, the poetic representation of the Trovo or improvised oral poetry, thus evolving from the Street and the tavern enviroment, to performing art.


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How to Cite
Tomás Loba, E. del C. (2021). Modernist Murcia in the 19th-20th centuries. Authors of modernism and settlement of trovo or popular poetry improvised as scenic art. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 18.