The comic possibility in the aesthetics of negativity


  • Xabier Ortiz de Urbina Arandigoien Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Keywords: Humor, comedy, negative aesthetics, the ugly


This article aims to offer an update on the relationship between the humorous experience and negative aesthetics. Since Aristotle defined comedy as the imitation of the ridiculous traits of the human being, as a part of the ugly aesthetics, the comic and the humorous have often been listed within the aesthetic categories of negativity in front of the aesthetics related to beauty. In contrast, there are theories like those of Theodor Lipps, who assures that the value of humor is not an aesthetic value, but responds to a different form of judgment, as Kant also advanced. The aim is to propose a discussion based on these two postulates and offer a possible solution.


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How to Cite
Ortiz de Urbina Arandigoien, X. (2021). The comic possibility in the aesthetics of negativity. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 18.