Religious Desacralization and Social Complaint in "Algo parecido al juego", by Maritza Cino Alvear


Keywords: women, Ecuador, poetry, social complaint, Mijail Bajtin


This article aims to show how the poetry written by Ecuadorian female feeds of religious codes and uses tools such as desacralization and Literary Carnivalization to speak about Latin-American reality and social injustice. Maritza Cino exemplifies how an author can use the appropriation of biblical writings in order to re-write female history and the one of people in social exclusion. The main subject of this study will be Cino’s first poetry book: Algo parecido al juego, which will be analyzed within a theoretical framework based on the writings of Mijaíl Bajtín on desacralization and on notions of Female Theology.


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How to Cite
Araújo-Nieto, L. (2021). Religious Desacralization and Social Complaint in "Algo parecido al juego", by Maritza Cino Alvear. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 18.