Dialectics of the spleen in Charles Baudelaire


  • Irene León Universitat de València
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cartaphilus.433111
Keywords: Spleen, Baudelaire, cleft, escape, Vieldeutigkeit.


From the text On some motifs in Baudelaire by Walter Benjamin and the work of the poet Charles Baudelaire, we intend to show two readings of his writings in order to expose the encounter between both interpretations, which takes place in his work throuth the spleen, and the Vieldeutigkeit of Theodor W. Adorno of these. This term, which has been translated by “multivocity”, appears in the work Prismas (Adorno, 1962) expressing the possibility of multiple interpretations of a reality.

          In this way, we will study the dynamism between what we have called “the cleft of the spleen” and “the escape of the spleen”, two moments of Baudelaire’s work that manage to objectify in his poems the historical reality that this autor lived.

          We will also try to decipher if the spleen that weighed the poet so much is redeemed, or can be redeemed, through his literature.


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How to Cite
León, I. (2021). Dialectics of the spleen in Charles Baudelaire. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 18. https://doi.org/10.6018/cartaphilus.433111