Inoperancy through the window of “Los detectives salvajes”

A reading of vitalism, improductivity and resistance


  • Jara de Tomás Martín Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: Roberto Bolaño, inoperosity, unproductivity, vitalism, The Savage Detectives


The political content in Roberto Bolaño’s work, which eludes canonization within the context of the chilenan dictatorship, opens up in this review’s thesis towards a wider space cast from vitalist and improdutive positions –both aesthetic and political— within Los Detectives Salvajes. This articulation is doubly possible due to Giorgio Agamben’s analysis of the inoperant and the potential which the shortcircuiting of acquainted forms opens. There would therefore be improductivity when it comes to contents, in the configuration of characters as well as in the development of the plot. At the same time, and herein lies the potential in the gesture, there would also be an aesthetic inoperancy in the structural form of the novel. This double gesture reveals Bolaño’s poetics as well as his vital politics which is cohesive and brings to clear aesthetic consequences.


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AGAMBEN, G. (2014). El fuego y el relato. Madrid: Sexto Piso.

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How to Cite
de Tomás Martín, J. (2020). Inoperancy through the window of “Los detectives salvajes”: A reading of vitalism, improductivity and resistance. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 17, 334‐340.