Women, love and freedom in the Dominican contemporary poetry: Rosa Silverio and Lourdes Batista-Jakab


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cartaphilus.407451
Keywords: women love, freedom, poetry, voice, Dominican.


This article aims to show how poetry can become a useful tool to get a powerful defense of women’s role and to obtain the establishment of new possibilities that let them free to demonstrate their value. The Dominican authors Rosa Silverio and Lourdes Batista-Jakab represent an exemplar model of the wish of women to leave the darkness; love, freedom and poetry are accusation, defense and salvation at the same time. Concretely, this essay focuses on two literary works that can be considered the most representative of the central theme: Mujer de lámpara encendida (Rosa Silverio) and La mujer desnuda (Lourdes Batista-Jakab), whose poems will be the subject of a selection, research and comparative analysis work. The lyrics of the mentioned authors want to generate a universal voice for those who remain silent.


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How to Cite
Faustinelli, T. (2020). Women, love and freedom in the Dominican contemporary poetry: Rosa Silverio and Lourdes Batista-Jakab. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 17, 137‐148. https://doi.org/10.6018/cartaphilus.407451