The outside side. Idea of the history in "Historia argentina" of Rodrigo Fresán


Keywords: Argentine narrative, Historia argentina, Rodrigo Fresán, history and fiction.


The objective of this work is to reflect on the categories of thought through which it is a question of apprehending the history in the book, hybrid between story and novel, Historia argentina, by Rodrigo Fresán, from an analysis of the narrative forms through those that build the stories, since the structure of the work, by way of stories that work by resonance, reflects the way in which history is conceived. To do this, I fundamentally start form the ideas of Ricardo Piglia about the relationship between politics and literature, for whom fiction reproduces the language of the State and creates its reverse. And I also turn to the theories of Eloy Fernández Porta, studied in Afterpop, to demarcate the way in which the use of pop references in this work responds to a critique of the forms of official culture. Therefore, the objective of this work is the analysis of the revision of the language with which Argentine history has been articulated, and the search for another language to write and apprehend in Argentine history, taking as a central idea the concept of distancing, since it figures the attitude, both emotional and intellectual, regarding the writing of history.


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How to Cite
Snoey, C. (2020). The outside side. Idea of the history in "Historia argentina" of Rodrigo Fresán . Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 17, 289‐310.