Aesthetics of the popular in the cinema of Joris Ivens and Aldo Francia.
Reignificar the memory and patrimony of Valparaiso
This article aims to analyse the aesthetic gaze of two great filmmakers of the years ' 60 and ' 70, whose groundbreaking work marked a time of controversy in Chile. Joris Ivens, pioneer of cinema reality, and Aldo Francia, father of the new Chilean cinema, through his works "to Valparaiso" and "Valparaiso mi Amor", respectively, show a city little known and valued by its popular configuration. Through a historical analysis of the film language we seek to understand the lenses of these filmmakers in order to reflect on a material and immaterial heritage of the city of Valparaiso that is created and recreates between its streets, hills, stairs and poverty, beyond Historically known and valued. The view to the popular, to the people of walking, who with effort and struggle managed to circumvent the geography of the port, allows to question the patterns and aesthetic scales known. We will analyze in these lines the value of the true patrimonial richness of Valparaiso-City declared the year 2003 World Heritage of Humanity, which through the film experience of these artists is left to know to consolidate the memory of A city that doesn't know itself.
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