Humanismo, modernidad y posmodernidad. Una reflexión sobre el doble origen de la ‘modernidad’ a la luz de 'Cosmópolis' y 'Regreso a la razón' de Stephen Toulmin


  • Bernat Castany Prado Universidad de Barcelona


The objective of this work is to reflect on the relations between humanism, modernity and postmodernity, through the summary and commentary of the theories that the philosopher of science Stephen Toulmin carried out in two works as Cosmopolis. The background of Modernity (1990) and Return to Reason (2001). According to Toulmin, the modern era had a first humanist beginning, in which the authors of skeptical and practical, such as Erasmus and Montaigne; although, then, it was replaced by the scientificist, dogmatic and abstract modernity, inspired in Descartes, whose continental hegemony was so great that it became almost exclusively identified with "modernity". This eclipse of the Humanist origins of modern thought prevents from thinking properly about modernity and postmodernity, which can be understood as an attempt to recover some of the specific characteristics of humanism, without renouncing the successes of rationalist modernity


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How to Cite
Castany Prado, B. (2019). Humanismo, modernidad y posmodernidad. Una reflexión sobre el doble origen de la ‘modernidad’ a la luz de ’Cosmópolis’ y ’Regreso a la razón’ de Stephen Toulmin. Cartaphilus. Journal of Aesthetic Research and Criticism, 16, 11–35. Retrieved from