Lights and shadows of the crime of animal abuse. Legal analysis of the current regulation of animal abuse


  • Andrés Eugenio López Berral Universidad Rovira i Virgili (ICAB)
Keywords: animal abuse, animal neglect, Corporate Responsibility, Criminal Law, Environmental Law, biodiversity, conservation, Law


This article addresses an analysis of the new legal regulation implemented after the reform of the crime of animal abuse and abandonment that the Penal Code has undergone, with a comparative study of the previous regulation, as well as the adaptation and fit in both criminal and civil law.

Likewise, the novelties, advances and deficiencies of the new legal regulation of the criminal code and the legal impact it has on the protection of the protected legal asset are analysed.


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How to Cite
López Berral, A. E. (2024). Lights and shadows of the crime of animal abuse. Legal analysis of the current regulation of animal abuse. Bioderecho, (18), 28 págs.