Mahatma Gandhi and Bertrand Russell two thinkers to guide the Chilean constitutional process to an ecological constitution


  • Rodolfo Marcone Lo presti Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Democracy, constituent process, Chile, ecological constitution, active nonviolence, human values


In this brief reflection I want to collect the thoughts of two great political philosophers of the twentieth century. Like Mahatma Gandhi and Bertrand Russell. Both of them promote the best of the pacifist humanism of the 20th century. What I propose is to deliver a couple of positive and propositive ideas for the Chilean constitutional debate. Remembering that it is imperative and necessary the transformation of our political constitutions from a prism of active nonviolence, individual virtues and ecology.


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How to Cite
Marcone Lo presti, R. (2024). Mahatma Gandhi and Bertrand Russell two thinkers to guide the Chilean constitutional process to an ecological constitution. Bioderecho, (18), 6 págs.