The protection of biodiversity in relation to biolaw. The legal-ethical dimension of wildlife, with special reference to canis lupus signatus


  • Andrés Eugenio López Berral Universidad Rovira i Virgili (ICAB)
Keywords: Canis lupus signatus, ethics, biolaw, large carnivores, environmental law, biodiversity, conservation, law


This paper contains the legal and ethical evolution of biodiversity up to the present day,
and how the relationship between environmental law and biolaw is manifested.
In the same way, the different demonstrations of environmental law are studied and how
the protection of biodiversity is a duty that involves the different generations of humans
and how the protection of large carnivores is especially important for the different
ecosystems in order to maintain the ecosystem for future generations.
In this case, I analyse some relevant legal cases related to the canis lupus signatus as the
latest species to suffer a legal change in its protection status.


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How to Cite
López Berral, A. E. (2023). The protection of biodiversity in relation to biolaw. The legal-ethical dimension of wildlife, with special reference to canis lupus signatus. Bioderecho, (16), 21 págs.