Production, distribution and use of plant protection products: a multilevel protective judicial dialogue promoted by the French constitutional judge


Keywords: priority question of constitutionality, jurisprudence, French model of constitutional justice, Charter of the Environment, right to health, administrative policies, plant protection products, environmental protection


Thanks to the slow but decisive evolution of the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Council combined with that of the Council of State, environmental law is a branch of law to be “seriously taken”, even in the economic sectors most vulnerable to lobbying. Part of this seriousness is due to its growing connection with the right to health (in its public dimension), according to a global holistic vision that the pandemic helped to legitimise. The two decisions of the Constitutional Council discussed here illustrate the mutation of a right that is now at the heart of judges’ concerns as well as of public policies, for example in the field of the regulation of plant protection products, which is the case discussed here.


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How to Cite
Cartier, E. (2022). Production, distribution and use of plant protection products: a multilevel protective judicial dialogue promoted by the French constitutional judge. Bioderecho, (14), 6 págs.
Legislación y jurisprudencia