Ecological feeling and its legal consequences in the European Union and in China: current challenges


Keywords: environmental awareness, multiculturalism, European Union, China, ecological law


It is impossible to think about effective solutions for the ecological challenges of the last decades without assuming their planetary dimension. To solve them, humanity has been moving towards the development of integrated transnational solutions for global environmental issues. However, the route of cohesion is not always the chosen one. If it is true that we only have one planet, it is also true that we have different ways of inhabiting it. The ways of social apprehension of nature are as numerous as the social groups. This research is based on the sociological premise that understanding in environmental matters will only be achieved through intercultural dialogue, with the understanding that the world contains multiple forms of interpretation. The aim of this work is to analyze the legal repercussions of the different representations of nature based on the European paradigm, specifically in the case of Chinese society, on a multiculturalist vision of the relationship between man and nature. This work addresses the global development of the ecological feeling and its legal consequences, going through the system of protection of the environmental rights in the EU and, in a second part, analyzes the development of the ecological law in China.


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How to Cite
Chediek, J. S. R. G. (2022). Ecological feeling and its legal consequences in the European Union and in China: current challenges. Bioderecho, (14), 23 págs.