A current review of the legal and ethical context of experimentation with human embryos
This study is aimed to review the current situation regarding experimentation with human embryos. Comparative law among different countries reveals three main legislative positions: permissive, restrictive and prohibitive. In regard to influences, the status of the embryo is discussed from the religious and sociopolitical point of view. In addition, ethical issues and current dilemmas associated are broached, beginning with the famous Brüstle Case and culminating with the latest chimeric cell studies. The disparity of legal and social positions, together with new technological advances, highlights the need for an international consensus that defines the limits of embryo testing and clarifies the identity of the status of the embryo.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Juan José Guerrero Franco, Antonio Hernández López, Alicia Guardiola Cutillas, Miriam Guzmán Almansa
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