The confluence between law and science in determining the sustainability of renewable energies in the future energy paradigm of Europe


Keywords: Life cycle analysis, bioenergy, biofuels, sustainability criteria, circular economy, renewable energies, sustainable forest management, Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan


One of the most widespread social reservations about the use of biomass fuels is the emissions they produce. In the case of forest biomass, points of conflict for the environmental sector are the counting and management of the absorbed carbon, the potential harm to biodiversity and the quality of forest harvesting, and the probable rise in emissions. On the other hand, the technical sector is committed to sustainable forest management, through the use of advanced techniques that allow us to understand how the mechanisms of forests work as carbon sinks.

The environmental risks of the energy use of biofuels can be reversed through the use of technical parameters. European regulations establish sustainability criteria for biomass for energy purposes, but do not set parameters for the sustainability of other renewable sources.

This work is based on the necessary imbrication between the regulatory technique enshrined in the European programme "Better Regulation for better results - An EU agenda" and science, for greater sustainability in the use of renewable energy sources.


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How to Cite
Pascual Núñez, M., & Sanz San Miguel, C. (2021). The confluence between law and science in determining the sustainability of renewable energies in the future energy paradigm of Europe. Bioderecho, (12), 20 págs.