Senior Cohousing: a model of coexistence to know and learn from Social Work


Keywords: Cohousing, Collaborative housing, Elderly people, Active aging, Social work


This study arises from the need to investigate the population's knowledge and information about Senior Cohousing, as an alternative to traditional residential centers. This new model allows the elderly to manage their own old age, share needs and have an active aging, offering a real alternative to maintaining their autonomous life while keeping quality of life and social contact. Method: a mixed methodology study has been designed, through a questionnaire to the general population and in-depth interviews with residents of Cohousings, in which a total of 261 subjects participated. Results: in general, the population shows a high lack of knowledge about Cohousing (61% of the participants), even though the need for a change in the residential models as we know them today is evident. Discussion: People who do not know about Cohousing show a great interest in this model as they consider it very beneficial. Regarding the negative points, they can be remedied with help from public administrations and with a professional of reference, who mobilizes and coordinates, such as a social worker. Conclusions: Cohousing is a model of coexistence that allows people to continue with their personal development, maintaining their quality of life and promoting active aging, without seeing their life altered abruptly by institutionalization in a residence. The success of Cohousing in Spain will depend largely on governmental support.


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How to Cite
Castilla Mora, M. R., Martín González , L., & Palma García, M. de las O. (2024). Senior Cohousing: a model of coexistence to know and learn from Social Work. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (13), 29–39.