The perception of conflictivity in the Secondary Education teacher: case study


Keywords: Enseñanza Secundaria, conflictos, profesorado, insatisfacción laboral.


The objective of this work is to know and analyze the types of conflicts between the teaching staff of a Secondary Education Institute (IES) in the Region of Murcia. The instruments used have followed a double methodology. On the one hand, a quantitative methodology with application of the technique of the survey and, on the other hand, with a qualitative methodology in application of the techniques of discussion group and semi-structured interviews. The participants were 35 selected teachers out of a total population of 92. The results indicate that the main types of conflicts are: discrepancies and disagreements between them and the management team and the administration. At the same time, another of the types of conflicts that are generated is the distribution of schedules and the time slots in which the teaching staff wishes to teach the subjects. Likewise, it was highlighted that teachers perceive the conflict differently depending on their age, therefore, teachers aged between 36 and 45 prefer to avoid conflict, compared to the group of older teachers who perceive the conflict as "fight to win". However, the group of younger teachers and the group with the most teaching experience perceive it as an opportunity for change, from a positive point of view. The female sex in the face of conflict, prefers well, yield or ignore the other party. Being the main causes of conflicts: ideological, poor communication, job dissatisfaction or difference of functions.

KEY WORDS: Secondary education, conflicts, teachers, job dissatisfaction.


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How to Cite
Rojo Guillamón, M. I. (2019). The perception of conflictivity in the Secondary Education teacher: case study. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (8), 27–38.