Social work in Chile (1925-2015). Ninety years of history and influence in latin america


  • Paulina Morales Aguilera Académica adjunta de las Universidades Católica Silva Henríquez y Nacional Andrés Bello.
Keywords: Social Work, Chile, Latin America, History, Underlying reflections


In 1925 the first School of Social Service was founded in Chile, as a pioneer school not only in the country but also in all South America. It has been already ninety years of history, almost a century at this level. The present article provides a vision on this history, but not as a chronological and non problematic account of events. What is sought is, in first place, provide a historical reconstruction about the development of the Social Work in Chile since the foundation of the first school, with emphasis on someone discussions, underlying orientations and/or problematic nodes peculiar to this process. Along with this, a set of critical bounded reflections are presented on the influence of the sociopolitical context in the Chilean and Latin American Social Work. The discussion ends with a set of core challenges.


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Author Biography

Paulina Morales Aguilera, Académica adjunta de las Universidades Católica Silva Henríquez y Nacional Andrés Bello.

Trabajadora Social, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM).

Magíster en Filosofía, Universidad de Chile.

Doctora en Filosofía, Universidad de Valencia, España.

Integrante del Grupo de Bioética de la Universidad de Valencia (GIBUV).

Ex becaria de la Comisión Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONICYT), Chile.

How to Cite
Morales Aguilera, P. (2015). Social work in Chile (1925-2015). Ninety years of history and influence in latin america. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (4), 21–28. Retrieved from