Contribution of practitioners to knowledge through the Undergraduate Dissertation


  • Myriam Gutiérrez Zornoza
  • Manuel J. Maldonado Lozano
  • Ana Isabel Payán Martínez
Keywords: Undergraduate Dissertation, Social Work, knowledge, theory and practice


Introduction. This paper discusses the theoretical and practical contributions to the knowledge of professionals from the Undergraduate Dissertation defended at the Faculty of Social Work atthe University of Cuenca Castilla-La Mancha. Material and methods. This is a descriptive study, temporal longitudinal retrospective analyzes TFG field that produced by students visiting the fourth modality Degree course adapted for Graduates in Social Work offered by the Faculty of Cuenca (UCLM) for theperiod 2010 to 2013 (three consecutive academic years) in order to collect theoretical contributions ofthe different professional experiences. Results and discussion. 18 Undergraduate Dissertation of 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, 9 professionals belonging to the public sphere and 9 the privatesphere, 8 with scores between and 10 courses were selected. All topics of Undergraduate Dissertationdirectly related to the scope and expertise of the author who performed and therefore the kind of knowledge that contribute to it is called derivative practice. As proposed future would be desirable toincorporate reflexivity, critical self-reflection and systematization of practice as part of improving social intervention.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Zornoza, M., Maldonado Lozano, M. J., & Payán Martínez, A. I. (2014). Contribution of practitioners to knowledge through the Undergraduate Dissertation. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (3). Retrieved from