Analysis about management of cultural diversity in the community ́s social service centers in Anadalusia


  • Octavio Vázquez Aguado Profesor titular de universidad del área de trabajo social y servicios sociales de la Universidad de Huelva
  • Pablo ́lvarez Pérez Diplomado en Trabajo social y Máster oficial en Estudios Migratorios, Desarrollo e Intervención Social. Doctorando y Becario FPU en la Universidad de Huelva
  • Nidia Gloria Mora Quiñonez Psicóloga de la Universidad Incca de Colombia, DEA de la Universidad de Barcelona y doctoranda de la Universidad de Huelva
Keywords: cultural diversity, Social Services, diversity management, intercultural competence, intercultural sensitivity


Background. Immigration, with nearly one out of ten interventions, is the fourth highest value in the distribution of total users in absolute terms, according to the andalusian municipalities ahead of the traditional groups such as youth, women and drug addicts. This new reality has led to a readjustment in the type of average user and the needs presented. Objective. To find out which are the training needs in relation to the management of cultural diversity in the public system of social services. Method. A survey was developed starting from the professional's basic demographic data in which were asked about: intercultural contact (type and intensity of relations with immigrants, language knowledge and use of them in interventions), intercultural competence, intercultural sensitivity and a set of practical cases in which was made an attempt to relate the theoretical and practical knowledge. Results. The results show that there is a daily contact between professionals and immigrants but basically related to work activities. We have notice also a high level of self-ascribed competence and intercultural sensitivity. Conclusions. The results obtained on self- perceived level of competence and cultural sensitivity are not related to data of the practical cases, so there is a mismatch between what is known in theory and what is done in interventions with immigrants. This ob- servation leads us to ask whether social services respond adequately to the new realities and needs.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Aguado, O., ́lvarez Pérez P., & Mora Quiñonez, N. G. (2012). Analysis about management of cultural diversity in the community ́s social service centers in Anadalusia. AZARBE, International Journal of Social Work and Welfare, (1). Retrieved from