The production of wine and olive oil between Augusta Emerita and the Atlantic west


  • Francisco Germán Rodríguez Martín
Keywords: Oil mill, lagar, roman villa, oil, wine, presses, presses in caves


The production of olive oil and wine in Lusitania never received as much consideration in the Roman world as that of the Baetica, at least according to the available evidence. We may draw a contemporary parallel with Extremaduran wines, which regardless of their high quality are less internationally recognised than those of Rioja or Jerez. However, the existence of wine and olive presses throughout the province seems to indicate that these were relevant economic activities over a long period of time. It is also true that few villae have been excavated with a focus on this sort of structure. In spite of this, the region shows one of the most remarkable concentrations of villae with significant industrial facilities, including rural – Torre de Palma, Freiría, Torre Águila, las Viñas (Esparragalejo) – and urban environments – Augusta Emerita.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Martín F. G. (2015). The production of wine and olive oil between Augusta Emerita and the Atlantic west. Annals of Prehistory and Archaeology, 451–469. Retrieved from