An examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence, positive affect and character strengths and virtues.


  • Agnès Ros-Morente University of Lleida
  • Carles Alsinet Mora University of Lleida
  • Cristina Torrelles Nadal University of Lleida
  • Ana Blasco Belled University of Lleida
  • Norma Jordana Berenguer University of Lleida
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Positive Affect, Character Strenghts, Virtues.


The present study had the objective of analysing the relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Positive Affect, VIA's virtues and character strengths. Additionally, it was explored if Emotional Intelligence predicted the virtue's levels of the participants, and if Positive Affect constituted a possible mediator. To that end, different measures were used: 419 undergraduate students completed the Spanish version of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale for emotional intelligence (TMMS, Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera & Ramos, 2004). Character strenghts and virtues were assessed with the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS; Peterson, Park, & Seligman, 2005), and Positive Affect (PA) was measured with the Spanish version of the Positive and Negative Affect (NA) Schedule (PANAS; Sandín et al., 1999). Our results showed a significant positive correlation between all the VIA strengths and virtues with TMMS scales Emotional Clarity and Emotion Repair. Emotional Attention showed significant correlations for all the virtues except Temperance. Further analyses demonstrated that TMMS scales predicted VIA virtues, and Positive Affect appeared as a possible mediator in the prediction of Temperance and Humanity virtues. These results support the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and strength of character, as well as the importance of Positive Affect in this relationship.


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How to Cite
Ros-Morente, A., Alsinet Mora, C., Torrelles Nadal, C., Blasco Belled, A., & Jordana Berenguer, N. (2017). An examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence, positive affect and character strengths and virtues. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 34(1), 63–67.
Developmental and Educational Psychology

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