Sexual satisfaction among young women: The frequency of sexual activities as a mediator.


  • Adelaida Irene Ogallar Blanco Universidad de Granada
  • Débora Godoy Izquierdo Universidad de Granada
  • Mª Luisa Vázquez Pérez Universidad de Granada
  • Juan Francisco Godoy García Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Sexuality, sexual satisfaction, sexual behaviors, sexual activities, frequency, mediation, sexual health, young women.


The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship among several social-cognitive predictors of sexual behavior (beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and values), sexual behaviors, the frequency of sexual activities and different dimensions of sexual satisfaction (individual/with the partner and current/desired). A mixed-method study was conducted. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview specially designed for this study, which was administered to 14 to 20 years old young women. Correlation analyses revealed that the expected direct associations between the explored social-cognitive predictors, sexual behavior and sexual satisfaction were not established, so we examined possible indirect effects. The results of the mediational model that better fitted the data indicated that sexual behavior is related with (current) sexual satisfaction, not only directly but also indirectly, through the frequency of sexual activities in a (probable) effect of partial mediation. These findings have interesting applications in terms of sexual education and sexual health promotion among young women.


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How to Cite
Ogallar Blanco, A. I., Godoy Izquierdo, D., Vázquez Pérez, M. L., & Godoy García, J. F. (2017). Sexual satisfaction among young women: The frequency of sexual activities as a mediator. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 33(3), 732–742.
Social and Organizational Psychology