Detection of Muscle Dysmorphia symptoms in male weightlifters
Muscle dysmorphia (MD) is a body dismorphic disorder in which the sufferer is dissatisfied with their body size and shape. MD has yet to be studied in weightlifters, and the objective of this research study is to detect its symptoms in 32 male weightlifters as well as any related characteristics and behaviours. This study involved the distribution of a sociodemographic questionnaire in addition to the Escala de Satisfacción Muscular, the Physical Self-Concept Questionnaire, and the Somatomorphic Matrix, with the anthropometric measurements of the participants also being recorded. The results revealed the existence of body dissatisfaction among athletes and, in some cases, muscle perception that does not equate to reality. The athletes also use substances to build their muscles and enhance their performance, display obsessive muscle checking behaviours, and have low general physical self-concept that stems from their muscle (dis)satisfaction. To conclude, this study confirms the existence of MD in this sport.
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