Mood states when playing alone or in cooperation: two unequal motor and affective experiences.


  • Verónica Muñoz INEFC Lleida, Universidad de Lleida
  • Pere Lavega INEFC Lleida, Universidad de Lleida
  • Jorge Serna INEFC Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona
  • Unai Sáez de Ocáriz Universidad de Lleida
  • Jaume March Facultad de educación en la Universidad de Lleida
Keywords: Physical Education, higher education, affectivity, motor action domain, competition, gender, co-education.

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Ciencias e Innovación a través de proyectos R D i DEP2010-21626-C03-01
  • DEP2010-21626-C03-02
  • y DEP2010-21626-C03-03
  • Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Cataluña [INEFC-Lleida] Proyecto PARINEFC2016_005


This study analyzed the effect of the variables: game type (individual or cooperative), competition, gender, students' association type and beginning-end of the session on the university students' moods. 201 Physical Education college students participated. After having received an initial instruction concerning moods, participants executed 2 sessions involving cooperative games and 2 individual games. The POMS scale was filled in both at the beginning and at the end of each session. The data were analyzed using generalized estimating equations. Among the main findings, we can point out that positive emotional states increase significantly when cooperative games are applied, with competition. Negative moods are more present in individual games, with no competition, when practiced by men and when they are organized in separate groups.All these factors contribute towards knowing the influence of play on the training of the future teachers of a modern physical education, in which there is the intention of promoting such important aspects as socioemotional well-being and co-education.


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Author Biographies

Pere Lavega, INEFC Lleida, Universidad de Lleida

Subdirector de investigación y catedrático del INEFC, Universidad de Lleida

Jorge Serna, INEFC Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona

Profesor del Instituto Nacional de Educaciòn Física de Cataluña, Universidad de Lleida

Unai Sáez de Ocáriz, Universidad de Lleida

Profesor del Instituto Nacional de Educaciòn Física de Cataluña, Universidad de Barcelona.

Jaume March, Facultad de educación en la Universidad de Lleida

Profesor en la Universidad de Lleida


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How to Cite
Muñoz, V., Lavega, P., Serna, J., Sáez de Ocáriz, U., & March, J. (2016). Mood states when playing alone or in cooperation: two unequal motor and affective experiences. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 33(1), 196–203.
Sport Psychology

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