Validation of the Interpersonal Support Links Scale VIDA
Social Support is one of the most well documented factors influencing health outcomes. Cultural differences and language use between Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries advise caution in the use of the same measurement instruments. Furthermore the instruments validated in Spain have been developed with very specific or small samples. The aim of this instrumental study was to develop a new general purpose Social Support Questionnaire that overcomes these limitations. Method: With a sample of 1080 participants (48.2% women, mean age 33.51), an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, examining its internal consistency, reliability, convergent validity, content validity and readability. Results: A three-factor structure (Friends, Family and Significant Others Support) was replicated and confirmed (with a very good fit), explaining nearly 73% of the variance with an excellent internal consistency (.94 or more) with significant evidence of convergent validity with other related measurements of Social Support and Health. Conclusions: The parameters of structural validity, internal consistency, reliability and convergent validity, taken together, present an optimized profile when compared to the rest of the reviewed surveys.
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