Cognitive mechanisms underlying Armoni: A computer-assisted cognitive training programme for individuals with intellectual disabilities


  • Claudia Peñaloza-Salazar Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments. Universitat de Barcelona
  • José Gutiérrez-Maldonado Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments. Universitat de Barcelona
  • Marta Ferrer-García Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments. Universitat de Barcelona
  • Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar Department of Philosophy and Psychology. Universidad de Tarapacá
  • Antonio Reverter-Guimeso Fundació Ave María
  • Yolanda Macías-Cajal Fundació Ave María
  • David Amela-Huemes Fundació Ave María
  • Sandra Perales-Josa Fundació Ave María
Keywords: Intellectual disabilities, cognitive functions, cognitive training, Armoni, computer-assisted


Although a number of cognitive deficits have been described in individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID), few studies have examined the use of computer-assisted cognitive training programmes in this group of people. This study sought to determine the cognitive mechanisms underlying 16 activities included in Armoni, a computerized cognitive training programme for individuals with ID, in order to validate its use with this population. Fifty adults with ID from four residential care centres in Spain underwent neuropsychological testing tapping attention, verbal memory, visual memory, comprehension, visuoperception, visuoconstruction, naming ability, verbal fluency, verbal reasoning and motor function. In addition, they performed 16 activities included in the Armoni programme. The relationships between cognitive function and the computer-based activities were assessed using Spearman correlations. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were then used to explore how cognitive function predicted the performance of individuals with ID on the programme activities. Most programme activities correlated with visuoconstruction, comprehension and naming ability. Naming ability, visual memory, comprehension and visuoconstruction contributed the most to the predictive models regarding performance on the Armoni activities. Our findings support the validity of Armoni for cognitive training in individuals with ID.


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How to Cite
Peñaloza-Salazar, C., Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J., Ferrer-García, M., Caqueo-Urízar, A., Reverter-Guimeso, A., Macías-Cajal, Y., … Perales-Josa, S. (2015). Cognitive mechanisms underlying Armoni: A computer-assisted cognitive training programme for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 32(1), 115–124.
Developmental and Educational Psychology

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