Structural dimension of social networks, sources of functional support, reciprocity, community support, and depression among elder people in Chile.


  • Lorena Patricia Gallardo-Peralta University of Tarapacá (Arica, Chile)
  • Esteban Sánchez-Moreno Complutense University (Madrid, Spain)
  • Ana Barrón Complutense University (Madrid, Spain)
  • Andrés Arias Complutense University (Madrid, Spain)
Keywords: Social support, depression, reciprocity, elderly

Supporting Agencies

  • CONYCIT “Becas Chile”


The relation among aging, social support, and depression is a key subject in societies with rising aeging rates, as Chile is. The present piece of research focus on the rol played by psychosociological variables: type of support by source, reciprocity in support by type and source of support, and communitary support. Vaidated and widely used depression and social support scales where applied in a representative sample (n=493) obtained from Arica-Parinacota region, north of Chile. Hierarchichal regression and structural equation model (SEM) are used. Results suggest that partner, and adult sons and daughters constitute the main sources of support (specially emotional and instrumental) against depression. Reciprocity is a key variable to account for the relation between sources of support and depression.


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Author Biographies

Lorena Patricia Gallardo-Peralta, University of Tarapacá (Arica, Chile)

Department of Philosophy and Psychology

Esteban Sánchez-Moreno, Complutense University (Madrid, Spain)

Senior Lecturer

Department of Sociology V

Ana Barrón, Complutense University (Madrid, Spain)

Senior Lecturer

Department of Social Psychology

Faculty of Psychology

Andrés Arias, Complutense University (Madrid, Spain)

Senior Lecturer

Department of Social Work and Social Services

Faculty of Social Work


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How to Cite
Gallardo-Peralta, L. P., Sánchez-Moreno, E., Barrón, A., & Arias, A. (2015). Structural dimension of social networks, sources of functional support, reciprocity, community support, and depression among elder people in Chile. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 31(3), 1018–1029.
Psychology of the elderly

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