Psychological effects of the practice of Pilates Method in a university sample


  • Eva Herrera-Gutiérrez University of Murcia
  • Marina Olmos-Soria University of Murcia
  • David Brocal-Pérez University of Murcia
Keywords: Health promotion, Pilates Method, physical activity, sport, psychological effects, anxiety, students, university


The overall purpose of this research was to test the possible psychological effects of the practice of Pilates and, in particular, the effect on the degree of anxiety experienced. This is a method of physical training aimed at improving postural hygiene and psychological well-being, highly recommended today by health professionals, both for people with diagnosed diseases and for preventive level. So far, the physical and psychological benefits associated with regular physical activity practice have already been demonstrated. However, only a few studies have investigated the specific effects of the Pilates Method. This paper examined the anxiety (state and trait) in a sedentary group and in another group of usual practitioners of this method (staff, students, and users of sports facilities at the University of Murcia, Spain). The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) of Spielberger, Gorsuch and Lushene (2002) was used to assess anxiety. The implications that the results of this work can have from the perspective of health promotion in the university are discussed, as well as its contribution to public health.


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Author Biographies

Eva Herrera-Gutiérrez, University of Murcia

Doctora en Psicología. Profesora Titular de Universidad (Dpto. Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación) y Directora del Grupo de Investigación EVASALUD (Educación, Valores, Adicciones y Salud), Universidad de Murcia. Coordinadora de Salud en Estudiantes (Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes, Calidad e Igualdad). Responsable del Proyecto de Universidad Saludable (Oficina REUS-UMU) y Representante de la Universidad de Murcia en la red española REUS y en la red iberoamericana RIUPS de Universidades Promotoras de la Salud.

Marina Olmos-Soria, University of Murcia

Doctora en Psicología. Profesora Titular de Universidad (Dpto. Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación) y Miembro de GIPSE (Grupo de Investigación en Psicología Evolutiva), Universidad de Murcia.

David Brocal-Pérez, University of Murcia

Máster en Investigación en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Doctorando en el Dpto. Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación y Miembro del Grupo de Investigación EVASALUD (Educación, Valores, Adicciones y Salud), Universidad de Murcia.  



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How to Cite
Herrera-Gutiérrez, E., Olmos-Soria, M., & Brocal-Pérez, D. (2015). Psychological effects of the practice of Pilates Method in a university sample. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 31(3), 916–920.
Developmental and Educational Psychology